The organised labour, on Sunday, listed its expectations ahead of the 2024 Workers’Day, calling on the Federal Government to announce a new minimum wage on May 1.
The National Vice President of the Trade Union Congress, Tommy Etim, who spoke with our correspondent, described Workers’ Day as Christmas Day for workers.
He noted that there were lots of expectations particularly since some of the newly initiated policies of government had continued to push more Nigerians into poverty.
Etim said workers in the country were expectant of the new minimum wage.
He said, “The Workers’ Day is a type of Christmas Day to Nigerian workers and there are lots of expectations. The welfare of workers is paramount and should be taken into consideration. It is also expected that lots of incentives will be rolled out to cushion the effects of the policies initiated by the government which have continued to limit the purchasing power of workers and Nigerians as a whole.