In a groundbreaking initiative aimed at Commemorating the 2023 International Youth Day, Sho Pen Online has partnered with the distinguished Deputy Whip, Kwara State House of Assembly and member representing Ilorin State South constituency, Hon. Maryam Yusuf Aladi to organize an insightful workshop that promises to inspire and equip the younger generation.
This was contained in press release made available to Just Event Online TV by Sho Pen team lead
The workshop, scheduled for 24th and 25th August,” is set to be a transformative experience for participants, offering a platform for skill acquisition, leadership development, and networking. With Sho Pen Online’s commitment to providing quality education and Aladi’s dedication to creating impactful change, this collaboration is poised to make a lasting impact.
Participants can look forward to engaging workshops led by seasoned professionals and thought leaders, covering a spectrum of skills ranging from Photograohy and Videography to Digital Marketing, Content writing and social media management. The Kwara Lawmaker presence will bring an added layer of insight and experience to the event, ensuring that attendees gain valuable perspectives from the corridors of power.
This partnership between Sho Pen Online and the Kwara House of Assembly Member reflects a shared vision of empowering the youth, amplifying their voices, and providing them with the tools to shape a better future for themselves and their communities.
Enthusiasm for the event is already running high, with an expected turnout of eager participants, community leaders, and industry experts. As the workshop draws closer, anticipation builds for the transformative experience that awaits.